Shifting Time

Shifting Time (2019) is a dance-theater work exploring the complex thoughts, perceptions, and experiences of human and environmental time. This ensemble piece weaves together solos, duets, and group sections, each themed from a different perspective such as “Eternal Time,” “Clock Time,” “Environmental Time” and “Body Time.” Integrating contemporary dance, Japanese butoh influences, theater, live music, and spoken word, the work creates a dynamic moving landscape inspired by diverse concepts of time researched through various texts and personal life experiences.

Megan Nicely, Dawn Karlovsky,
with Karlovsky & Company Dance

Music: Tory Z Starbuck

Set: Megan Nicely, Dawn Karlovsky 

Performance History:

  • March, 2019, Grandel Theater, St. Louis, MO

  • June 2019, Shawl Anderson Dance Center
    Berkeley, CA

Shawl-Anderson Artist-in-Residence

SF Chronicle Datebook, June 26, 2019
East Bay Monthly and Alameda Magazine